About Us

About to turn 50, a serious medical condition drastically changed my life and routines. In this process, a friend-sister named Teresa guided me on a path of creative self-discovery. Additionally, Archangel Jophiel bestowed upon me the gift of creativity, which, combined with my Colombian roots, gave birth to the project “Amor Infinito” (Infinite Love).

What Amor Infinito takes pride in the most is that all crafts are handmade with love, following the principle of “Tout ce qui est fait avec les mains, est fait avec cœur” (Everything made with hands is made with the heart).

This transformational process also changed my perception of life through challenging and enriching experiences. Although there were moments when I held back for fear of being judged as “crazy,” I eventually embraced the openness of conscious communication that had always been present. As they say, “Fall in love with a crazy person… the strings tie!”

All of our work is proudly handmade, made with love. That’s why we don’t engage in any kind of mass production. Each of our creations is unique and special. We strive to leave our personal imprint in every fabric, every ornament, conveying our emotions and thoughts through colors and shapes that always connect and convey a unique and different message.